Easy Tips On How To Compose A Dissertation Statement Of The Problem

The dissertation is a fairly complex paper and it should come as no surprise that each part has its own integrity and importance. The statement of the problem is critical. You have to be able to explain why the research you conducted was important. You also should leave the reader with the impression that future investigation is going to help advance knowledge in the field. This type of writing may be entirely new to you and you are not quite sure of what to do. Here are a few tips on drafting that problem statement.

  • Back it Up with Some Evidence. The statement can be a general discussion of the problem. You should convince the reader that the problem is not something that is just your personal reflections. You have done the work and here is where you can give some examples.

  • Start with a Description of the Optimal Situation. In this part of the statement you are telling the reader what ought to be happen. Unfortunately, there is a problem which you have decided to investigate. This helps to bolster the need for what you have done. The ideal state is not present because of a problem.

  • Suggest a Solution. You can at this of the problem statement offer opinion of what would be a correction to the problem. Let the reader know that your research is seeking answers.

  • Have A Solid Summary. At this point you would take the problem and possible solution together and indicate how your dissertation is going to move towards a resolution. By this time the reader should have a good idea of what your research is going to be doing, with a hint of how your dissertation is going to resolve the issue.

It may take one or two drafts in order to get the statement problem polished up. Accept that as part of the entire process of doing the writing. In fact, you can take a look at the dissertation itself as a long journey and process. It is not a term paper at all. You must expect to spend a fair amount of time on every section of this work. It is incredibly important to your career aspirations. Understand that the lessons you learned in writing will help you prepare journal articles and even write books. The problem statement is just one part of the overall effort. Do the very best you can and you be more than satisfied with the final result.

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