tricks to use for writing a strong thesis
Not only is it a major undertaking of organization and writing, but in many cases it requires some degree of original or primary research. And more most students, this is a very different process than writing term papers. That being said, it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences for students, because it gives you the opportunity to pursue something that you are personally interested in, and to practice self-directed inquiry, rather than being told what to study and how to study it.
Follow these 5 tricks to help you write a strong thesis:
- Choose a dynamic topic:
- Pick a topic that has adequate sources or datasets for you to use in your research
- Pick a topic that you are interested in and won’t get tired over of the semester or years while you are writing about it
- Pick a topic that is relevant in your field and can lead to future opportunities for you.
- Develop a unique aspect to your topic:
- Keep track of your sources well:
- Organize your paper carefully:
- Have someone proofread it for you at various stages:
Picking a topic can be one of the hardest parts of any paper. Choosing a good topic will set yourself up success with the rest of your thesis, and choosing a bad or difficult topic will create roadblocks for yourself throughout the whole process. So what makes a good topic? For this kind of academic writing, there are a few characteristics you should have in mind:
In addition to picking a good subject for your thesis, you should find some unique aspect of that subject to explore. This is relevant in any field of research. Instead of just summarizing what others have already found and written about the topic, try to find some hole in that existing work that your research can fit into. If this doesn’t work, try finding some aspect of your subject to make it more relevant to people who might not normally care about it. Get expert thesis writing help by this service - PhD holders online to help you with your dissertation.
A paper of this magnitude will likely include many sources cited within the text, and many more that are used for background or exploratory research, but not in the paper itself. When dealing with this many sources, it is important to keep track of sources well from the beginning. There are several different softwares you can use for this, including free ones like Zotero. Either way, keep lists of sources, in proper formatting, so that when it comes time to create your bibliography you can just copy and paste. The same is true of in text citations—use the correct ones as you write, so that you don’t have to go back at the end and properly format all of them.
Organization is important both for you, in the case of references, and for your reader. By organizing your paper to make it more accessible for readers, you’ll make it a more successful experience for them. Using section headings and subheadings is one way to accomplish this. But beyond the layout on the actual page, it is important to organize your thoughts carefully. Be sure to lay out your argument in the most intuitive way.
It is helpful to have someone else edit your paper at several different stages. What they are proofreading for will change at these different stages: early on they should be reading for how well your argument makes sense, and how comprehensive your background or methods sections are. Later on, they should be reading primarily for grammar and typos. It is important to have someone else help with this because they will find things you’ve missed.